Monday, December 21, 2009

Happy Christmas

Here's to a holiday celebration filled with bad reindeer sweaters, flannel, long johns, egg-nog, uncle eddie, gingerbread, frosting, sparkling lights, tinsel, tree skits, bing crosby, frank sinatra, manger scene displays, hot chocolate, hot wassail, toboggans, stripped socks, leg lamps, fake turtle necks, scratchy wool scarfs, log cabins, smoking chimneys, snow days, snow angels, gift cards, tylenol, festive caroling, and the like.

Waylen and Shiloh

A family sweater...5 generations

Here is Shiloh wearing a bonnet and sweater made by my great, great, great grandmother. It has been worn by my great grandmother, my grandma, my mom and my sister! :)

She's so beautiful in it!!


Reading to my Sister

"look shy, this is a digger. this here is a tractor. this is a bull dozer.....this is a dump truck......"