Sunday, January 23, 2011

Raspberry Bugles?

one day during lunch, shiloh started putting her raspberries on the tips of her fingers. just like bugles. except she doesn't even know what bugles are!!

Friday, January 14, 2011

The prettiest girl in the world

sorry, we're somewhat partial...for our baby shy.

The smallest snow man ever

everyday waylen asks, "dad, is it packing snow??"

we keep telling him that we are gonna go out and make a snowman when the snow is good for packing. well, it's been snowing pretty good around here, so we thought we'd bundle up, go outside, and give it a shot. the snow was too powdery. doh!

so we officially made the smallest snow man ever. it's shiloh sized, and it stands roughly 8" tall. those are actually beans for buttons and eyes, to give you an idea of just how tiny this guy is.

Drawin' with Dad

waylen and daddy drawing cars together...
we'll learn shading next, then pointillism next....