Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Anticipating Our Daughter

Ok, I think Im going bananas....I just cant wait to meet our little girl!!  I wonder what she's going to look like.   The other day I bought a cute little pink dress at a consignment shop (couldn't resist it).   When I got home I held it up to Waylen...luckily Im not to the point where Im putting the dresses on him!!  I figured, "She's gotta look a little like him since they are brother and sister".  Any-who, (as  my Grandma would say) I'll be meeting her in a short 10 weeks, so Ill try to hold off the urge of subjecting my son to pick things.  Although, it sure was funny when I held that dress up to him - wish I could have recorded his facial expression but I didn't have a camera near by....Im sure you can imagine the dislike!! :)  

Sunday, June 21, 2009

A Perfect Day

what we did on saturday:

- went to borders books
- got coffee (new blackberry creme latte)
- went to the mall to get new sandals for waylen
- finished up the latest issue of my magazine
- went for a bike ride in the park
- had steaks out on the grill

yep. pretty much a perfect day

Grandma's 50!!

Grandma, I really enjoyed celebrating your BIG milestone birthday.  I celebrated one too this year when I turned the big 1!!  When I get older, can I go running with you?  But Mommy says I need to learn how to walk first!!

I Can Say Airplane

Waylen's word for everything, "Au-Da".  Not exactly sure what it means, but he does and thats all that matters.  Here, it means "airplanes" :)   My sister was in town for my moms 50th birthday celebration and staying at a hotel by the airport, so we came to visit for a little swim.  It was fascinating to Waylen, because airplanes would fly overhead.  He would get so excited.  He loves things that "go" - airplanes, cars, and especially trucks and school buses.  This video is a crack up.  I was laying on one of those long beach chairs and he was sitting on my lap facing me and  watching the planes fly behind us.  Every once in a while a plane would fly over the pool, but I couldn't seem to catch that in a video.  You can just hear them overhead!!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Canada Trip

Canada Trip

We had a great time in Canada (Blue Mountain).  It was a bit chilly, but sunny.   At the resort, was a pool and a sandbox for the kids.  Waylen loves trucks and things that "go" so I thought he would have a blast in the sandbox (and what kid doesnt like sandboxes?).  Well, Waylen didn't like the feeling on his feet, he would cry when we set him down to play, but he really enjoyed putting the sand in the tractor and flinging it on his mommy!!  

Friday, June 5, 2009

I Scream for Ice Cream

Mmmmm.....ice cream!!  

Here's Waylen taking after his Daddy's sweet tooth :)  

Actually I must admit, now that I have entered my 3rd trimester I have been craving sweets....mostly ice cream, but almost anything chocolate sounds good.  Seems rational since I am having a girl, right?!?!

Anyway, these photos were taken at an ice cream shop near our home.  In front of the shop is this cow sculpture we find amusing.  There's Waylen below riding on the cow (dont worry we are not worshipping graven images)  as we wait for them to finish making our wonderful treat - Reeces peanut butter cup flurry!!!  What a delightful taste on the buds (do I sound like Carl or what?????)

Every ice cream shop we go to, which luckily hasn't been too many so far (although ask me at the end of the summer and you may get a different answer) gives you WAY to much ice cream for one person to finish.  We split a small between the three of us and there is still plenty to go around.  If you can see in the photo to the left, the ice cream is overflowing.  Now I'm not complaining, the more the merry, and if I only need to order one small cup to feed three mouths, then every bite is worth the couple dollars lost :)