Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Here is Waylen with Carl's great Aunt Shirley (this would make her Waylen's great, great Aunt Shirley - so cool!!)  It was so nice to see her when we were down there and to spend some time getting to know her more.  It was her first time meeting Waylen and boy did they get along.  I think Waylen was fascinated by her glasses because he tried to pull them off several times - watch out Aunt Shirley!!  Since Waylen's been born, you can just tell he's gonna be a people person like his Daddy.  As he's getting bigger, he's interacting more and more, it's neat to see!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You need to send Aunt Shirley a copy of that pic...and Grandpa, too. They're really cute!